Meeting People at the Wrong Time

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By Kalai Selvi Arivalagan


It has been happening for a while. Why should I always end up meeting people at the wrong time? I have been asking myself this question for quite some time.

Whenever I plan to get things done, it always goofs up and makes me feel like an idiot stranded on the highway. I remember until I finished my graduation, Lady Luck smiled upon me, and that helped me get things done at the right time. Even a trivial matter turned out to be a successful one, and somehow or other it helped me to get my stuff done. But after graduation things were different.

turned out to be a successful one,

I remember the day when I went to college after one year of my graduation. I went to the college to meet the Principal and get a testimonial. She screamed at me for no fault of mine and asked me to wait outside. I did not realize that was the starting point of my failures.

From that day onwards whatever I tried goofed up and I slowly started to shrink to nothing. Though at heart I felt confident, things around me started to be hostile toward me. I could feel the negative waves around me and I desperately prayed to God to get out of that unending battle of failures.

 heartbreaking failures

Slowly, and slowly, I regained my confidence and I decided to be persistent in my endeavours without expecting anything for whatever I did. My only concern at that time was to do the work best whatever it may be. Now there are no heartbreaking failures but I ended up in places where people around me started to treat me as their enemies.

Every second they thought me to be their rival and they did their best to get me out. Silently I gave in to their demands. I never wanted to stand in the way of other people and spoil their growth. I learned to take everything in a positive aspect and tried to learn the best out of it.

worthy opportunities that come my way.

Now after much struggle, I felt stabilized and wished to move to the other step of growth. Now once again time chuckles at me and plays the hide-and-seek game with me. I am meeting people at the wrong time and goofing up some worthy opportunities that come my way. I have made a vow to myself. I will work diligently till this cycle goes away.

I will let the wheel of fortune to move in my favor. Even if I feel negative energy around me, I command my mind not to get affected by that vibration. I tell myself again and again, I am here to succeed, and nothing other than that. And one day I will prove myself and let the world know that I am as tough as the rock fort in Dindigul, my native town, and I can never let failure to touch me once again.

my native town,

I always read this favorite poem of mine, which is written by Emily Dickinson to gain more confidence.

Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne'er succeed.
To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need.

Not one of all the purple host
Who took the flag to-day
Can tell the definition,
So clear, of victory!
As he, defeated, dying,

On whose forbidden ear
The distant strains of triumph
Burst agonized and clear!
Emily Dickinson

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